火腿蛋三明治配冰紅茶有那麽好吃嗎?為什麽我都吃不膩...當了我35年的小老弟說走就走,是不是太任性了?連再見都來不及說...說好的用空拍機拍我騎越野車的帥樣呢?我還一直期待著有那麽一天我們各自開著自己的dream car一起飆個夠!你也不給個機會讓我超越你!好啦!都你帥就好啦!說好的一起跟家人享受人生一直到老的不是嗎?沒關系,接下來的戲我們一起演,路我們一起走!鼠年是你的年,我陪你過!感傷的話,到現在我還藏在心裏深處無法釋懷!但新的一年我想要有個新的開始!謝謝大家都一直與我們同在!也謝謝您們的祝福,新年快樂happy 2020 to my little bro! Theo is fine with us!
Is a ham and egg sandwich with ice tea really that good of a combo? I miss having that with you for bkf. Being together with you for the past 35yrs as your bro can never be enough for me. I’ve always hoped that we could live through at least another 35 X2 freaking years! I’m so grateful that I decided to move back to Taiwan from Van. to stick with you for the last 10yrs. I will forever cherish our precious time together. We shared the same goal of doing our best at everything we did so that we could take care of our family together and live a good life. In a way I’m glad that we never got to say goodbye! (Although you did in a dream.)We were playing basketball one on one and all of a sudden you jumped into the sky and started waving back at me and faded away....I woke up empty hearted. Our last conversation was Nov.25 on Wechat, when I asked you if you wanted a ride home. Your reply was“ I drove, thx”. Looking back now that a bit of time has passed,I feel your last words are so important to me. I understood what you meant,but I take your “thank you” to me as for taking the responsibility of caring for our family! Don’t worry my little bro! You will always be deep inside my heart . And I’ll bring you wherever I go until we meet again. Happy2020 G. Theo is good with me!