最近在推特上「克拉」之間引起不小騷動,原來是SEVENTEEN 2日前往印尼峇里島拍攝,就有一名當地女粉絲,她在機場堵人就算了,還跟到機場的廁所去,拿手機對準開放式的門口,在外等待偶像淨漢出來後狂拍,是經紀人發現後指著鏡頭,淨漢才知道攝影機無孔不入。
you could have just pictured them at the airport but to seriously follow them to the bathroom? svt needs privacy sis. leave the fandom if you don't respect that :-)
— soph (@saecoups) 2019年5月2日
粉絲得知後氣炸,並到該名粉絲的IG上查看,才發現對方經常到機場追星,被她跟拍的有演員朴敘俊、男團東方神起、Super Junior與iKON,甚至連YG還沒出道的新男團Treasure 13都緊盯,大部分都是在機場跟拍,這次則是過火追到洗手間去。
whoever waited for jeonghan in front of the bathroom at the airport to take a pic i will literally fly to your house and stand in front of your room door with my camera to see how u like it
— dom (@officialmeanie) 2019年5月2日
We deleted the post because OP followed Jeonghan and waited outside of the Men’s comfort room for him.
— FOR JEONGCHEOL (@forjeongcheolph) 2019年5月2日
Carats, please know your limitation when it comes to things like this. Know your boundaries and respect personal space and privacy. The boys are also humans.