馮迪索「永遠是家人」挺巨石強森 揭《玩命9》延後原因
《玩命關頭9》宣布延期上映後,風波不斷,在片中飾演羅曼的泰瑞斯早前公開在IG上點名砲轟巨石強森,稱對方同意飾演該電影外傳,「毀了整個『玩命家庭』」,對此在電影中的大家長「唐老大」,同時兼任該片製作人的馮迪索(Vin Diesel),稍早也在社群網站上曬出與巨石強森的合照,力挺對方。
馮迪索在IG上分享一張與巨石強森互相扶持的劇照,並在發文中寫道:「兄弟情,是很複雜的…」,隨後他透露該幕畫面是在美國位於加勒比海的境外領土波多黎各(Puerto Rico)拍攝,他在當地迎來自己的43歲,兒子也是在那一年出生,因此讓他非常有感觸,「一切都像是昨天發生的一般」,他回憶起自己與巨石強森合作的契機,是一名女網友在FB上表示,希望看到兩人合作,「我聽從了她的要求,然後他(巨石強森)成為了霍布斯。」
隨後,馮迪索談及《玩命9》延遲上映引起外界很多猜測,他表示:「將錯誤歸咎給任何一個人都是不公平的」,替好友巨石強森抱不平,他表示新一集的《玩命》雖然考慮了多方面不同的因素,其中包括他們最為看重的粉絲看法,「但是就像之前走遍全球的8集的車子一樣,《玩命》系列也需要維修一下。」而環球的副主席朗梅爾(Ron Meyer)也同意給他有更多的時間這麼做,讓他也非常感激,文末他特別以「唐老大」署名,透露很快就會有令人興奮消息宣布,要粉絲期待,最後還特別標註了「永遠都是家人」。
事情的源起於《玩命9》延遲傳出後,外界就將矛頭指向巨石強森,猜測是環球為了讓他與傑森史塔森(Jason Statham)主演的外傳搶先上映,因此將《玩命9》延後,對此飾演「羅曼」的泰瑞斯吉布森(Tyreses Gibson)6日就在IG上砲轟巨石強森是小丑,強調《玩命》系列的中心主旨都是在傳達「家族」、「團結」的重要,直到巨石強森加入後,「我猜他無法忍受自己不是片中唯一的巨星。」
隨後泰瑞斯更直接點名巨石強森和打算拍攝外傳的製片Hiram Garcia嗆聲:「恭喜你們,要毀了這個大家庭。」他透露過去保羅沃克和飾演天才駭客泰吉的路達克里斯都曾被邀請演出外傳,但對方都希望能維持團隊完整演出而拒絕,他強調大家都想守護「玩命大家庭」,「想讓每個人看見,我們都是在一起的,永遠不會分開。」
Brotherhood... and all it's complexities. This scene was filmed in Puerto Rico, I can remember it like it was yesterday. Such a beautiful island, the people were so warm and welcoming. I turned 43 that summer... and my son Vincent was born.
A woman named Jan Kelly responded to a question I had asked on Facebook, 'who they would like to see me work with?' She said would love to see me work with Dwayne... I listened to her request and he became Hobbs.
I know there has been a lot of speculation as to why the Fast 9 release date was pushed... but it would be unfair to say it is anyone's fault.
As we plot the course to expand the Fast & Furious universe, one must be mindful to take stock of the roads we took to get here. The pillars of authenticity, family and most importantly, our loyal fan’s perspective has been instrumental in procuring success.
However, like any vehicle that has run around the globe 8 times, the franchise is need of maintenance. My good friend and the godfather of Universal, Ron Meyer has granted me the time to do just that. We have some very exciting news to share soon... stay tuned.
Yours truly, Dom